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The bests
RCT 11504.28 Pts
Manchester City361.81 Pts
FC HOTHAT353.73 Pts
Atletico Madrid342.59 Pts
FcYangon335.89 Pts
    Teams Strength Played Won Drawn Lost For Against PD % Victories
1The Green Angels288.41172311936446653651910345569 %
2RedStar31287.67151510045445745482016253266 %
3Zieudemite135.4216289867356952542422283261 %
4abc26.7914549754343642991991230867 %
5TeamNiko17267.6415939755456457332503323061 %
6RCT 11504.2815509666951539521875207762 %
7Sophia Fc157.5513948863147740522100195264 %
8MP TEAM284.9815058835356932922154113859 %
9real de caux150.721624881506933883301187254 %
10Atletico Madrid342.5915198515661234972418107956 %
11Newcastle United91.5813878234951536812227145459 %
12Toulouse FC 221.191424822405623296253276458 %
13team12151.4314208041959742672539172857 %
14FC Saint Mihiel266.4814297984758438232739108456 %
15IDARIS Team241.8112737932245839521765218762 %
16ARMINUS111.861407773395953758290685255 %
17FC Sochaux Monb211.921397758346053012268532754 %
18FC Valentes43.5812127086044432972114118358 %
19vinla233.181226690105263170238578556 %
20floride team269.7311576742146233911941145058 %

