the free online Football management game.

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The bests
RCT 11489.93 Pts
FC HOTHAT334.53 Pts
Manchester City330.75 Pts
FcYangon326 Pts
Athletic313.02 Pts
Teams classification :
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1)      x7RCT 11lesebSUPER ELITE489.9383.383 jours
2)    FC HOTHAThothatELITE334.5335.421 jours
3)      x7Manchester CityRatchetSUPER ELITE330.7557.911 jours
4)    FcYangonChristofeSUPER ELITE326117.761 jours
5)    AthleticYesteSUPER ELITE313.02117.742 jours
6)    mikmucmikmucSUPER ELITE305.390.572 jours
7)     Atletico Madridjereminho3SUPER ELITE30393.862 jours
8)    FC WIPWiponerELITE300.1766.811 jours
9)    The Green AngelsflanaganSUPER ELITE283.32104.711 jours
10)  BranlitosloupapelouSUPER ELITE282.8647.151 jours
11)  Colombus CrewOkochaELITE280.26115.21 jours
12)    x10RedStar31S57DSUPER ELITE271.2452.493 jours
13)  MP TEAMMP34SUPER ELITE264.06130.843 jours
14)  TeamNiko17axel17SUPER ELITE260.0468.531 jours
15)  AlfootredAlfoncetSUPER ELITE259.781011 jours
16)  FC Saint MihielloubloubeELITE258.4388.691 jours
17)  A.S RomaTotti10ELITE255.95142.891 jours
18)  BigteamNobruELITE255.0987.452 jours
19)  floride teamflorideELITE253.8496.661 jours
20)  Ac MilanAMilanELITE251.1636.073 jours
