the free online Football management game.

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Registered players : 88 724 - Registered : 164 - Today : 0
Tomorrow : 0 - Online players : 1
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The bests
RCT 11492.74 Pts
FC HOTHAT336.44 Pts
FcYangon336.25 Pts
Manchester City331.54 Pts
Athletic314.88 Pts

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  Tickets : 0
  Sponsors : 0
  Equipment : 0
  Transfers : 0
  Premiums : 0
  Stadium : 0
  Dismisses : 0
  Wages : 16 648 914
  Equipment : 0
  Transfers : 0
  Taxes : 0
  Fines : 0

   Total of the players wages :    15 114 524 Balles;
   (To be paid between the 28th and the 5th of next month).

   Total of the staff wages :    Balles;
   (Automatically paid the 28th of the month).

   Last month :   Balance : -2 147 483 648 Balles;   Credit : 0 Balles;   Debit : 14 585 119 Balles.