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recovery the 03/05/2025

the free online Football management game.

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Registered players : 88 787 - Registered : 172 - Today : 0
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The bests
RCT 11512.27 Pts
Manchester City373.99 Pts
FcYangon344.09 Pts
FC HOTHAT342.99 Pts
Atletico Madrid335.13 Pts
    Teams Strength Played Won Drawn Lost For Against PD % Victories
1The Green Angels289.85173611966447653751948342769 %
2RedStar31301.32152510135445845812022255966 %
3Zieudemite133.4716419927357652782449282960 %
4TeamNiko17269.716069825457057712523324861 %
5RCT 11512.2715639786951640161880213663 %
6abc23.3314599764344043022004229867 %
7Sophia Fc131.9814008913147840732108196564 %
8real de caux152.541634888506963908302987954 %
9MP TEAM295.6415188865357933022194110858 %
10Atletico Madrid335.1315328555762035142470104456 %
11Toulouse FC 218.691437826405713312258472857 %
12guiclub56579.1713938234952136812268141359 %
13team12149.614338122060143242559176557 %
14IDARIS Team241.5912867992246539971802219562 %
15FC Saint Mihiel268.9314407994859338332771106255 %
16ARMINUS105.641417779395993796292786955 %
17FC Sochaux Monb212.291410766346103041270433754 %
18timgoat38.1312177086044932972136116158 %
19vinla241.221239701105283213239382057 %
20floride team273.3811706842146534281955147358 %

